Song of the day is..."Sunday Kind of Love" by the beloved Miss Etta James.
The Queen of Soul has died. Born Jamesetta Hawkins on a cold January night while the world was struggling to comprehend the beginning of what would inevitably be one of the worst wars this world has seen. The persecution of the Jewish peoples in Europe was taking place and Los Angeles was flooded. The world was welcoming the new diva with open arms in the harsh winter of 1938.
Growing up, James was raised by multiple caregivers after being born to a 14-year-old girl she later referred to as "The Mystery Lady" and never knew of her Caucasian father who left before she was even born. Upon entering adolescence, Jamesetta discovered doo-wop and formed her first all-girl band "The Creolettes" named for the girls' light-skinned complexions, and took on her new title as Etta James, her given name reversed. With a string of boyfriends including B.B. King, she was discovered by men twice her age who promised to make her a star. Unfortunately for Etta, all she could show from this was a serious drug addiction that inevitably killed her career and pushed her illness along which resulted in her death January 20th of 2012.
With a career blossoming in the 1950's with a surge of rhythm and blues and a high demand for soulful vocals, Etta James found her niche. She met the right people and climbed her way to #1 with her ever famous "At Last" topping the charts in 1960 and "Sunday Kind of Love" soon to follow as a Billboard topper. Unfortunately for James, her star burned out and her career took a hard hit in 1965. The world waited in anticipation for James' return but was nowhere to be found...until the 1980's where she made a strange comeback, not releasing any hits but touring as if her life depended on it. And it did.
I would say something like "we will miss you, Miss Etta James 'Queen of Soul', 'Princess of Pop'" but I can't because it was not my time. She was here and now gone leaving behind a legacy of doo-wop all grown up. I was fortunate to have seen her perform in her older years and feel grateful for the experience but my journey with her was led by movie soundtracks and car commercials. But nonetheless, she has given me plenty of hits I have sung my heart out to in the shower all through my 20's.
Goodbye, Etta James.
IN OTHER NEWS: My waiter just told me to check out "Black Lips". He said they are a drug. Sounds worth checking out. I could use a high. I just read that they are a self-proclaimed "flower punk" band from Georgia. And that they are "the raddest band right now" according to Matthew, my Doug Fir hipster musical guru.
Time to freak out! Memorial Day weekend might have one of the best concert date lineups I've heard in a long time. The Shins are headlining for both The Head and the Heart with Blind Pilot at the Les Schwab ampitheatre. Super stoked.
If you're a Pitchfork follower, such as I am, you will see some of the best headlines in music right now. Check it out and get inspired.
Discovered The Middle East last weekend at the beach for my birthday and have been pretty stoked on this for a few days now:
I know it has been a while since I have written. God bless you dedicated readers who hound me incessantly for an updated post but I have been busy living and balancing and celebrating and juggling and gaining and losing and everything in between. I'm trying to write a book people! I moved to a wonderful area of town, had to get settled, struggling with the loss of regular Internet usage, gaining a new job as a company co-owner and director, making my way through the ever difficult court reporter course schedule and have now discovered how giddy I can be flirting my way with someone special into my 30's. I celebrated the big day last week with a group of amazing women, surprise treat sharing collective awesomeness and beautiful first kisses on bridges atop the city at midnight. Couldn't have been better. And so I thank you patient readers, for hanging in there with me and feeding the dark corners of this sunlit soul of mine.